The Secret Recipe for Persuasive Packaging Design is With Cold Foil Printing - D'Andrea Visual Communications
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The Secret Recipe for Persuasive Packaging Design is With Cold Foil Printing


How does your product’s packaging stand out from that of its competitors? If you have a hard time answering that question, then it might be time to revisit your package design.

In many ways, your packaging is your product and creates your unique brand – and studies by Nielsen have shown that optimized packaging can generate about a 5.5% increase in sales revenues.

Great packaging design can make a difference in whether a consumer notices your product or not. And ultimately, whether they buy it and increase sales for your brand.

No matter what industry you find yourself in, you have competition – and an important part of differentiating your brand on the shelf lies in your packaging design.

According to Nielsen, “62% of CPG professionals agree that exploring more design directions earlier in the process would help them to identify higher-performing designs.”

Explore your packaging options with cold foil printing

Today, cold foil printing is one of the hottest trends in packaging design, and this technique has greatly increased possibilities for designers. Think of it as the secret recipe for making your packaging truly stand out.

With cold foil printing, you have the choice between coated or uncoated stocks and the foil comes in silver, gold, and even holographic!

But what is cold foil printing anyway?

Essentially, cold foil consists of a layer of silver metallic film that is applied with adhesive to a press sheet prior to printing. The foil can then be overprinted in-line and achieve just about any metallic color imaginable. Something that cannot be achieved with hot foil stamping. Add to that, registration is spot on.


How can cold foil printing help my packaging design?

The metallic film creates a bright and shiny effect which tends to perform better than dull, less vibrant packaging. We are attracted to things that shine, sparkle, and glitter. It catches our eye. It can also convey an impression of premium value with its polished look.

Certain packaging effects and colors can evoke positive emotions that sway consumer behavior. And through creative uses of cold foil, an emotional connection can be made with consumers.

And the best part? It is done in-line, in one pass, and saves you money compared to hot foil stamping.

When it comes to exploring new ideas for your packaging design, DVC is the place to make your next project shine.

Interested in learning more about cold foil printing and how it can be used in your product packaging? Contact us to find out how we can put our experience to work for you.


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